On Thursday, 14th of Max 2020 our Quality Management delegate Mr. Detlef Bohnke handed out 100 mouth-nose coverings to KWA Parkstift Aeskulap in Bad Nauheim in the name of Eufinger Security.
Mrs. Tina Eichenauer, Head of Service at KWA, happily accepted this donation.
Eufinger Security was looking for ways to help during Corana times, easily and unbureaucratically. So the idea was born to have 1000 masks produced, which will now be distributed to senior residences, schools and daycare centers.
During our donation campaign for mouth-nose covering masks, another institution was supported.
This time the Heinrich-Schleich-Haus received a donation of 500 masks.
The donation handover was covered by the newspaper "Frankfurter Wochenblatt".
On May 28, 2020 the donation of 100 pieces of mouth-nose covering masks was handed over to the Protestant parish Nieder-Erlenbach by the bearer, here representing Mrs. Bachmann, to the resident pastor Petra Lehwalder (in the picture on the right).
As part of our donation campaign 100 masks have been donated to Schulverein of Johann-Christian-Senckenberg-Schule Runkel – Villmar e.V. on the 19th of May 2020.
The masks were received by Mr. Fabian Eigenbrodt, teacher of the class 6c.
The Trochtelfingen devision of the German Red Cross was also presented with mouth-nose protection masks by Mr. Detlef Bohnke. The 1st chairman and head of the on-call team Eberhard Pilger accepted this donation.